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TheLaw, Solve This, and casino closind down!

Started by P.A, Sep 02, 02:40 AM 2015

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Quote from: Chrisbis on Sep 03, 02:40 AM 2015

I always thought, on a Euro wheel, that there are Three possible outcomes when playing EC's
Black, Red or Zero
and since you have only minused 5 losses from the 111 total spins, that would mean you are saying, that within all those 5 loses, you have hit the zero 3 times!
Now we all know that Zero can come along a a fairly regular frequency, so how are you factoring the Zero in the above computation?

no,no,no, and I thought u an old-timer.

the pesky GREEN, and the opposite win, is part of the win/loss..

oh sorry,

just say win/loss ratio, and u understand...

53win/ -58losses=-5u loss=-4.5%...

simple to understand..hehehee
The math boys , dictates that, EC bet selection will never win over H.edge, ok accept that.
And reality dictate that, any simple EC will swing to 30win to 70win in 111spins.

So u need to have a bet selection, that always HIT WITHIN THE MATH EXPECTATION!

The math boys say, 3% in 111spin, is the EDGE expectation, in long run,

so if your bet selection , always hit around 3%, then u only have the EDGE to tackle WITH!..only 3%...that easy meat for u...

In reality, U must have a bet selection, that hit AROUND 3%..
around, mean, u may hit more than 3%, say 4,5,6%...

Hey, what about say 10%???

111minus, 11losses=100/2=50win/111, -61lose/111
50 win=+50 minus -61=-11loss=9.9%losses

if u confident your selection will have,

around 50wins, in next 111spins..
How U going to build progression AROUND the 'only 50win'/111spins???

[that also easy meat for u!]

And now u understand WHY, a constant , and consistently ..only LOSING within the HOUSE EDGE, is utmost IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Quote from: Turner on Sep 03, 02:44 AM 2015
Basically, by being cagey, long winded and irritating, you are making sure you get a bigger audience.
You have typed the same things over and over and its clearly upsetting people with all this soft soap
You are now a catalyst for others getting warnings.

Stop the waffle and get to the point and put us all out of our misery

Dear Respected Turner,
Sorry for u to think so,
you feel bored, and frustrated..and a little anger...
it because you an old timer, and u easily understand what I convey here.

But others, seems to , very difficult to understand a simple theory.
so , the need of ....

Human, and other non human, need to learn by repetitive action, and reminding..Thats why , we Chinese, learn kung fu, by repetitive action...ask Jacky Chan, Jet Li, or any martial art practitioner.

Little kids learn the arithmetic, by doing the same, and chanting, 2x2=4, 2x3=6...so on.
The same people learn to cook, to sew, to paint, magician, musician,to read laws, to become brain surgeon.

Lassie also learn by repetitive, so does the stallion, the parrots, the chimps...

How can a person move on, before understand the very basic , if I move on, people will accuse me of saying nonsense!
Even I just start a single page, people already accuse me of troll and scammer...Why, because they cant understand, and dont want to understand...they want quick action, and they want it NOW!

And after people read, and reread repetitively, they began to ask PERTINENT, but real good question. step, by step..

people who didnt want to take the initiative to repetitive, will like, rushing to airport..and, hijack a pilotless jet...and shout
"Quick, tell me how to fly this 777 jetliner, I cant wait to fly this to Beijing!
And I want to know NOW!!!"


PA.....not bored and frustrated just fed up with dealing with people you are p*ssing off.
Now lets start with a one word reply. You can do it!
I suggest something like...OK or Gotcha


Dear Respected Turner.

Ok , Lets move one, no more repetitive.
whether u understand or not, will not be my problem.

What u gonna do after millions 111sets testing,
and found a valid bet selection?

[that hit within math expectation],

we will very confident , the winning hit,
will HIT within expectation of math.
say EC=around 48hit/100, more or less.

So we now bet a very mild progression,
around the perceived ,
of 48hit/100, or 53/111spins...more or less.
we cant predict future, so more or less.

if Murphy Law visit, the we cut loss,
take the losses, and hope the next few seasons will off set.

So u see the bet selection, that lose within EDGE and Math expectation, utmost important.!!!
Thanks for reading.


@Chrisbis....of course this is impossible in a landcasino. But i wonder if it would really work. Cuz if it does....well there are many online live casino's who spin 24/7....in other words, team up with 1 or 2 partners in crime.

Can some of the guys here check that with there database? Maybe split them in 100spin sessions and then bet flat for 11 spins.
I'm really curious what that would give........who willing to help us out?
Two options here: flat all the way or soft progression +1/-1 ??

As spins roll off our predictions get better


As spins roll off our predictions get better


Since many reader here , no so old-timer,
my wording may caused some confusion..
sorry about that.

1]Flatbet, and progression..had caused confusion..
Just forget Flatbet,

change it to win/loss ratio.
Bet selection with flatbet will hit48/100...
change to
Bet selection with win/lose, will hit 48/52...[48%], [48/100]
Progression =any mild progression.

[Bet selection, that always hit around math]=

change to
Bet selection that have high hit ratio, but not over their supposedly EDGE.
EC bet selection, will not hit higher than -3, in 111spins.

-3=house edge  in 111spins

thus 100% hit for over 55win/111spins, long term=impossible.
53win,52win,51win,50win...=within math expectation.

Thus if your Bet selection, will constantly,
have more or less 50win/111spins.

how are u going to bet to win?
with mild progression?
or without progression.?



the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



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