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Basics - that no one wants to hear

Started by TurboGenius, Nov 21, 09:04 AM 2015

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Quote from: TurboGenius on Nov 22, 07:13 PM 2015
Actually yes - really.

""Past spins give you the pattern so that you can work out where you might be going.  Patterns occur in Roulette just like in nature all the time.""

I'd love to agree with you but that would go against fact.
It does sound nice though.
Patterns are in the past and can be shown only after they happen
Red, Red, Red, Black, Red is a pattern yes, but it already happened.
The next spin is either Red or Black based on that individual spin that is about to happen.

I'll bow out of the thread, if anyone thinks that the 3 things I posted are wrong then you'll notice eventually in your own play and research/testing that I'm right... I'm just trying to save some years of work for you. The answer isn't in any of those 3 things.

Well, I agree. I can even resume those 3 things to one : everything that can happen in roulette will eventually happen.

But... if the answer is not in any of those 3 things, what is left? Pure luck?
"In God we trust; all others must bring data", W. Edwards Deming


Quote from: button on Nov 25, 07:16 PM 2015
Correct me if I am wrong. 

What TurboGenius and Turner are saying here is that you only win if you are lucky, there is no way to know when you are going to win and nothing that happens happens for a reason.

There's more than luck - just focus on the present bet and the future ones.
Looking to the past spins and then making bets based on something that happened in the past
doesn't work.
We know from math what is likely to happen - so use that for your bet selection.
Avoid negative progressions, they only increase the amount lost in the end.
I don't believe in luck and would never rely on that to win.


Quote from: Turner on Nov 25, 05:56 PM 2015
Turbo, agreed but no one listens. No one listened when I said the exact same thing here (apart from Ken)

Nods - our brains pick out something like that and suddenly it seems like a rare event
or impossible event, yet any 5 numbers having the same odds of showing seem common.
Math is a pain in the ass and many people don't like it - it goes against what our brains are
telling us.



Quote from: TurboGenius on Nov 26, 09:40 AM 2015
There's more than luck - just focus on the present bet and the future ones.
Looking to the past spins and then making bets based on something that happened in the past
doesn't work.
We know from math what is likely to happen - so use that for your bet selection.
Avoid negative progressions, they only increase the amount lost in the end.
I don't believe in luck and would never rely on that to win.

I am in agreement with Turbo`s post..

Nathan Detroit


I don t get it  , there is a contradiction i your own words ( quote taken from other forum):
I will not quote the entire reply ,just that words ,

quote from TurboG( gamblingf...):

***It's............... playing the numbers that showed up more than other numbers (this is common sense you speak of). It's the only way to win at this game.
You play the numbers that show up the most.

Don t take this like a personal attack , but you come here and say  no to triggers, past spins, then from above it is clear you also use
hot numbers so  decision based on past spins , yes Triggers.



Quote from: Kattila on Nov 26, 10:11 AM 2015
I don t get it  , there is a contradiction i your own words

There is no contradiction.
I didn't say "record spins and then bet the ones that have shown up the most" - that would be
using past spins to decide where to bet.
I said to focus on the current spin and future ones.

Of course someone can sit down when you're leaving and look at your past bets and see that you won and why - but that info won't help them one bit when it comes to placing their bets. Laughs.


Quote from: TurboGenius on Nov 26, 10:26 AM 2015
There is no contradiction.
I didn't say "record spins and then bet the ones that have shown up the most" - that would be
using past spins to decide where to bet.
I said to focus on the current spin and future ones.

Of course someone can sit down when you're leaving and look at your past bets and see that you won and why - but that info won't help them one bit when it comes to placing their bets. Laughs.

But when you know the result of the current spin, it becomes "the past"...  We are left only with future spins. What you do with that?
"In God we trust; all others must bring data", W. Edwards Deming


Never mind past  spins. I go to  the table with MY  pre-selected system and commence playing.My MM tells me when to leave the table .

Win or Loss . Be consequential.

Nathan Detroi.


Quote from: vladir on Nov 26, 11:09 AM 2015
But when you know the result of the current spin, it becomes "the past"...  We are left only with future spins. What you do with that?
watch the trot
How do you win at roulette, simple, make the right decision


There is a difference between past spins and personal permanence i.e the spins you place a bet on "live" and on every spin.

For example, (this isnt a system particularly) lets say I work with 4 numbers and only bet on those numbers which appear when I arrive at the table.

Lets say 25 is last number ...I play #25, then #4 comes out...I play #25 and #4 until I am playing 4 numbers, say 25,4,17,22 and decide to play those 4 numbers for 4 spins, based loosely on the fact that a high % of repeats are in the first 7 spins (a mathematical fact)

(Of course, I am reducing the maths because I only playing 4 of the 7, but its a trade off against BR....thats another story)

I didnt collect them from past spins. I played them as they happen. 25 then 25,4 then 25,4,17 then 25,4,17,22

Lets say #4 hits next. I have a win, but more so, I have a repeat.

So I may play #4, then the next out until I have 4 numbers, say 4,13,33,0....and so on, aiming to have 4 wins and 4 repeaters to play 4 times.

I wasn't playing past spins. I was choosing bets from "my spins" as they happen with no interest in the number

I cant go to the bathroom, miss 3 spins, and use them. I didnt bet on them. They arnt my spins.

See, I had already decided to play my first 4 numbers in sequence and build a 4 group of repeats from my personal permanence before the ball left the dealers hand. No past numbers or patterns. Just an algorithm for the future, if you will  :thumbsup:

(Ive just made this up off the top of my head, but it looks reasonable and not a bad idea  :lol:)


"Back to the future".      So  be it.



I know I might be in the minority on this, even with Turbo and thats okay. To me, what has happened in the last 10 spins, I feel is different compared to 400 spins ago.

I REALIZE by the Websters definition, they are both past spins.


Watch us big doggs, the MEN, play at a REAL casino, on a REAL table. All we ask is that you stay out of our way. The rest? Bots, airball, RNG...that's more for the Kitty Kat Klub. Its the big doggs and the kittens!! Winning is not an event, it's a process and it takes YEARS and YEARS to master > link:://:.eonline.com/eol_images/Entire_Site/2014127/rs_560x415-140227131132-1024.bulldog-kittens3.jpg... To be great, you have to be willing to be mocked, hated and misunderstood.


Quote from: TurboGenius on Nov 26, 09:40 AM 2015
We know from math what is likely to happen - so use that for your bet selection.
:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Disclaimer : Roulette systems are subject to laws of probability. If you are not sure about the effects of it, please refer to link:://:.genuinewinner.com/truth. Don't get robbed by scammers.


Quote from: Turner on Nov 26, 05:09 PM 2015
(Ive just made this up off the top of my head, but it looks reasonable and not a bad idea  :lol:)

Absolutely wonderful post !
and no, it's not a bad idea at all....


Quote from: Turner on Nov 26, 05:09 PM 2015
For example, (this isnt a system particularly) lets say I work with 4 numbers and only bet on those numbers which appear when I arrive at the table.
Lets say 25 is last number ...I play #25, then #4 comes out...I play #25 and #4 until I am playing 4 numbers, say 25,4,17,22 and decide to play those 4 numbers for 4 spins, based loosely on the fact that a high % of repeats are in the first 7 spins (a mathematical fact)

The only problem that I see is that this still works off of past spins.
You're not getting the benefit of the 'first' time your number appears this way.
I would suggest (if you're interested in following through with this) that you pick
numbers to play when you sit down (not based on what the last spin was) and then
use a positive progression (extremely limited of course) on any winning number that you
have being played in future spins. Also you'll have to remove numbers from your list
of played numbers if they fail to show at least once during a specific amount of time.
(Ken might like this type of bet selection as it changes due to what's happening 'now' and
doesn't break my rules on using past spins for reference)
In the other forum I showed how 13 people out of 38 (American wheel) all flat bet and won
over 1,000 spins (many more spins are possible of course) by just flat betting.
How many numbers should you start with to ensure that at least one of your played numbers
will be one of those 13 that show above standard deviation hence you win ?

Ok, far too many hints in the post lol.
Enjoy your tests if you pursue this.
