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Started by nottophammer, Jan 30, 11:56 AM 2016

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Here is countback showing the trot. As long as you accept 15.8 is avg for spins 11-40, then you mark out like this. Now if you look at spin 37, LOTT says 24 could show, countback shows this as well

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Val as said up to the 19th non-hit they avg to hit in 2 spins, well perfect, if you was just watching, the only part you need to know is the max to hit, there is somewhere an avg document showing there max to hit.
We're only +1 on countback so avg trot.
The orange at spin 15 is the repeat in the group of 10 spins, a 76% chance of a repeat in 10 spins, so spin 11 is a win for the 10 you'd be betting in 1-10. Spins 11-20 theres the repeat #22

How do you win at roulette, simple, make the right decision


does it need an explanation

Armatage shanks, Turbo would like the #12
How do you win at roulette, simple, make the right decision


Again Turbo would love it #29
Upto the 26th non-hit avg to hit in 3 spins, so we see the 22nd has missed its avg to hit, but comes on time. now the 24th has a max of 11spins to hit, so its missed its avg of 3 spins, how many spins could you bet 14 #'s on the FOBT could bet for 7spins and that would be max bet, so you've waited 3 spins start to bet comes in 4 spins.

Now at spin 60 avg for non-hit is 30.5 so lets see

How do you win at roulette, simple, make the right decision


So its not that hard to win. All groups of 10 spins got the repeat the #9

How do you win at roulette, simple, make the right decision


quick one Morts today just betting non-hit, spin 23,+57, so reset, do what ever you'd do,

How do you win at roulette, simple, make the right decision


Quote from: nottophammer on Oct 02, 05:24 PM 2017Armatage shanks, Turbo would like the #12

Yes indeed repeats do well. Won a fair bit playing your unhit after 10 spins recently flatbetting. On a loss just waited for another 10. Had a streak of 10 wins.
Where can i find the avg document showing the max to hit?
Have you ever looked at splits so your betting on hit / unhit from the start, do you know their average to hit in a certain amount of spins?


How do you win at roulette, simple, make the right decision



very old FOBT

How do you win at roulette, simple, make the right decision


The max to hit?


Quote from: ArmitageShanks on Oct 03, 06:08 AM 2017
The max to hit?

ok say 13th is in how many could the 14th take to hit, what is its max spin, 7 spins, 6 repeats win on 7th. so you know its avg over the 628 games is 2 spins, how many times can you bet 24#'s, so the decision is how long are you prepared to wait, REMEMBER Winkel said if unsure don't bet, don't bet not costing. He who waits.
Yesterday at w.hill oakwood +80 units just watching the trot, locals, telling me as this # is in he'd bet such and such, yeah ok
How do you win at roulette, simple, make the right decision


ArmitageShanks you'll need to click to enlarge.
See the red that when it went max 7 spins, 313 games ago,  I dont know when it might go 8 after all aren't we told THE WHEEL HAS NO MEMMORY, EACH SPIN IS INDEPENDENT, BOLLOX IS IT.

How do you win at roulette, simple, make the right decision


should have posted here not 5 methods 14th 0x 1 spin known max 7spins
How do you win at roulette, simple, make the right decision


J247 today

14th 0x 1 spin known max 7 spins 313 days ago
How do you win at roulette, simple, make the right decision
