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Started by jekhb76, Apr 15, 12:38 PM 2018

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Quote from: jekhb76 on Apr 17, 04:30 PM 2018
â,¬2800 to be precisie  :wink: i don't want to. I Just wanna lead a good Life, where i can do All the things i want, and still Have All the Time with my Family. And one of the reasons i Have a 100 â,¬ daily goal, is to keep under the radar. I once was banned from a landbased casino and had a ban for 3 months. For making to much money, so they though i was cheating.
No i play another casino BM everyday in a another Town and i also Make sure that i First win above my daily goal , and before i leave i Make sure i lose some money to them (but Always be in profit and Have reached my daily goal when i leave Home. This way i gave them the apptession that i Have lost alot of money and they wave me goodbuy! Till next Time sir. Not realizing that i've Just Made â,¬100 + (did at First when i started to play) and the rest was a losing Evening (so i Make them believe)  >:D i Have a few BM casino's in Just An half hour Drive between them. So i do this to preventie to get banned again  :thumbsup:

No online casino?
A dollar won is twice as sweet as as a dollar earned



Quote from: Roulettebeater on Apr 17, 04:37 PM 2018
No online casino?
At Home, it is hard to stay concetrated All the Time, and i need to be.
I Have 2 Young kids moving around All the Time. (2y) and a baby of 9 month. The rest is at school. But my two year Old Always checks with me and my laptop  :yawn: lost alot once die that he pushed a button and i brought Back to the desktop. Hahaha. So No, prefer BM Always above online. And the baby is crying also alot, so concetrated is not Always possible.


Quote from: jekhb76 on Apr 17, 04:54 PM 2018prefer BM Always above online. And the baby is crying also alot, so concetrated is not Always possible.

Really? what a mess then :)
take care of your kids and don't forget to teach them how to beat roulette as you're doing

A dollar won is twice as sweet as as a dollar earned


Quote from: boyd30 on Apr 17, 04:00 PM 2018
A good system jekhb76. Did a few tests. But you need a big bankroll and wide table limits. I wonder if you can have a lower stoploss?
We you First start out. Play it on rng and don't concetrate on much profit, Just for real money with a few wins here and there and don't play too much and don't be greedy. Start with 1 euro profit a day as a Wim goal. Yes i know rng  >:D but i never had any problems with it. And with regarding a big bankroll, i started with 5000 units, but you can also play with 500 euro as a start bank. Now you Have a bank of 50.000 cents. Now problem anymore with tjis System. If you play with cents. And with a bank limit of 300 euro (30.000 cent) also No problem.


Quote from: Roulettebeater on Apr 17, 05:06 PM 2018
Really? what a mess then :)
take care of your kids and don't forget to teach them how to beat roulette as you're doing

Well i don't beat roulette, i've Just been Lucky in the past 9 months. I'm sure it will End sometime. :thumbsup:
Remember a System can Run very wel for a year Ling but loses big on the 13th month. I only play for a short Time per day, that's one of the reasons it stays in profit up till now. And i Have set a Decent daily goal. But it will End, i'm sure. All systems do at some Point, it is roulette isn't it.  :thumbsup:


By the way, i forgot one important thing for All of you Who wants to check my System. End your session Always when in First profit!!!! Retrack and start again, until you Have reached your daily goal. I know some don't think you should stop at First profit but only once you Have doubled your bankroll.
I don't play that way.


Quote from: jekhb76 on Apr 17, 05:11 PM 2018Well i don't beat roulette, i've Just been Lucky in the past 9 months. I'm sure it will End sometime.
Remember a System can Run very wel for a year Ling but loses big on the 13th month. I only play for a short Time

I disagree with you on this.
if your system resists one year without a loss, then it's a winner!
sit down, relax and start printing money :)
A dollar won is twice as sweet as as a dollar earned


Quote from: Roulettebeater on Apr 17, 05:23 PM 2018
I disagree with you on this.
if your system resists one year without a loss, then it's a winner!
sit down, relax and start printing money :)
I would Hope so, but i know the reality, because it was reality Who would put my two feet on the ground again, when one of my systems doomed after 2 years of playing. So no, but i enjoy it for as Long as it is lasting.
And i Have loses by the way, but i Have build enough bricks to build a good Wall, that can take Decent hits. But too many hits on the Wall, and this Will Break also. Just Staying onnthe ground and not with my head in the Air. And i'm sure i'm not the only one playing like this, and it failed for them also.


Quote from: Herby on Apr 16, 06:58 AM 2018
maybe you tell us more about how to find the "super-Gaussian"  :thumbsup:
Here is another game how I find it. To find nocturnal bats, it's when the sun sets. The same with "super-Gaussian". :xd:

Remember to take profit when you find it.

If you don't find it, wait for return to the mean to get out.

If you play for real money,

Here's something that would likely benefit the hot number players.

1. Collect data fron a few or several wheels
2. Run chi square tests on each wheel to see which wheel has the highest score. (There are several spreadsheets out there that will automatically calc it for you.)

3.  Play the hot numbers and or repeater systems on only the highest scoring wheel. ------ The General


Always End your Mini session once First profit is reached, to avoid that you are betting to much numbers at the same Time. Always quit for the day once you Have reached your daily Target.
I find it very important to have a daily goal. Because it prevents me from blind betting and then losing sessions are less, because i stop at the Right Time. If you stick to these rules, you can Have fun for a very long time.


Quote from: PassionRuleta on Apr 18, 03:27 AM 2018
It is not necessary to play sessions until you have a benefit, you can lose 500 chips and then have the moment of recovery because it hits your numbers, and you're just going to let it win until you have a minimum profit ??? then there is no difference in playing like this and doing it with a martingale, you will only look for a minimum benefit and logically the Turbo way does not work like that.
On the contrary when it's time to win you have to increase your chips in the numbers to hit better and better and get too high to have a good profit, but would have sense to play losing 500 to win 50, NO SENSE .

I understand your thought but i feel comfortabele with the way i play it, so i don't Have the intention to do it otherwise. But either to his own. Everyone has a Different style of playing and Yes i lose sessions, but up till now i win More then i lose, until that also ends. But i had fun anyway. And it is not that i'm playing with money to pay the bills with, i can however, but i don't Have to. It is the casino's money that i play with now for  9 monts, not mynown anymore. So what do i Have to lose. Sure it ain't a HG and i always realize that i can lose everyday and Yes i would live to have a System/method that Will Have a certanly in winning All the Time, but i haven't so i Make the best of it. But Yes tomorrow can be a Long Time.


We don't need to play like Turbo does. If  it wins much more than loses then it's enough. 3-4 losses in row can wipe out your bankroll, but hopefully that will never happen in close future. But I will test and see if you can have a smaller stoploss and maybe use a different progression. Some kind of a progression is a must though.


Quote from: boyd30 on Apr 18, 05:49 AM 2018
We don't need to play like Turbo does. If  it wins much more than loses then it's enough. 3-4 losses in row can wipe out your bankroll, but hopefully that will never happen in close future. But I will test and see if you can have a smaller stoploss and maybe use a different progression. Some kind of a progression is a must though.
You're absolutly Right. And i never had More then 2 losses in a row. And even that was months ago. But it can happen anytime. Thanks for looking to make my System even better. Very kind of you.


Quote from: boyd30 on Apr 18, 05:49 AM 2018
We don't need to play like Turbo does.
Yep, why to bother with this loser who have several faces on this forum.
when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?
