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Beating roulette with math..

Started by Fripper, Dec 31, 09:26 AM 2010

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Right now I am testing with 15 zero's and a 1. This should keep our bets lower but the profits may be lower to.
But, if it's safer then I like it.
All i'm doing is living my life.


Just tested session 7 again with 15 zero's and a 1 instead of 9 zero's and a 1.

Below you can see the difference. The profit is a little bit smaller but the important thing is that the highest bets are almost halfed.

Session 7 before (9 zero's and a 1)
Did bet even.

125 odd, 80 even.

+6 units in 32 spins, ended first labby
+7 units in 81 spins, ended second labby
+16 units in 161 spins, ended third labby
+26 units in 213 spins, ended forth labby

Highest bet 145 units
Lowest point -567 units

Session 7, new (15 zero's and a 1)
Did bet even

126 odd, 82 even.

+5 in 92 spins, ended first labby
+11 in 163 spins, ended second labby
+18 in 216 spins, ended third labby

Highest bet 78 units
Lowest point -227 units


Tell me you like it  :thumbsup:

Rx and excel file attached.
All i'm doing is living my life.


I like it.

Tell me, is session 7 about the worst you might expect since you're concentrating on it?



Quote from: trebor on Jan 29, 10:17 AM 2011
I like it.

Tell me, is session 7 about the worst you might expect since you're concentrating on it?


Yes, you can check in the thread but I think session 7,8 and 11 is the hardest ones.
All i'm doing is living my life.


It's looking more and more promising then.



It does indeed.

Hope that some of you can test it some. I will be away for 5 days so can't test until next weekend.

Have a nice week.
All i'm doing is living my life.


hey fripper. good job. you can count on me to continue the work  ;)

I will test session 8 & 11


Can one of you tell me the exact rules of this labby, IE

start with 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1

if win remove first zero
if lose change 1st zero to 1


bet 2 chips

Like the above please if possible, I would like to do some testing too
There's only one way forward, follow random, don't fight with it!

Ignore a thread/topic that mentions 'stop loss', 'virtual loss' and also when a list is provided of a progression, mechanical does NOT work!


we don't play like this

we use 2 steps marty on every figure.

you start with : 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1

first bet 1 if win your labby is still 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1
if you lose you bet 2 and if you lose again your labby is : 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,2 ( replace 2 zeros by the lost )

then you bet 0+2=2

if you win : 0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1 you delete the first and the last figure.

please have a look on my excel worksheet it would help you.


I am going to throw out a thought that has been forming in my mind while testing lately.

Is it better to keep bets as low as possible and go deep into the hole and take hundreds of spins to recover.

Or, is it better to take periodic losses and reset to even and start over so that your wins add to your profits.

What's the difference between moving up and down at -100 area vs moving up and down at 0 area or moving up and down at +20 area.

This is hard to put in words.  Let's try it this way.  I can keep my bets very small and gradually work my way down to -100 and then back up to +10.  Or I can take a 5 losses at -20  and then have a good run that gets me up to +110 with average size bets.  In both cases I may have to play 200 spins to finally reach +10 or I might reach +10 in half as many bets in the latter case.

Is one way or the other better?  is my question.

Does this make any sense?

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


I've just finished session 8 with new rules i.e starting with 15 zero's and a 1. therefore I also transfer some figures to others labby to keep them equal while bad run and lower the bets ( one of GLC's idea I think )

First time ( fripper's results )

Session 8 of bayes horror sessions.

Did bet high.

114 low, 66 high

+2 in 23 spins, ended first labby
+5 in 44 spins, ended second labby
+10 in 73 spins, ended third labby
+11 in 124 spins, ended forth labby
+12 in 187 spins, ended fifth labby

Highest bet 148 units
Lowest point -482 units.

My results with new rules :

238 spins

+14 profit

lowest point : -204
highest bet : 78

I could have done much better on "the lowestpoint" and "highest bet" but I wanted to finish the session quicker I was fed up.

It looks really good.  :thumbsup:


200 spins, worst scenario=76 hits or less. No less than 72(-3,5 SD)

1sd for 18 numbers is 7,068 hits, average 97,27.

Hardly found a 200-spin-session where you hit more than 120 or less than 72. 115 to 75 is nice to keep as limits.


the worst scenario ever found was I think 68/132.


68 is -4 SDs, in thr edge of bad luck.

Progressions are more dangerous, try to find a way to stay alive flat betting.


Hey guys I'm back after a nice skiing vacation and more excited then ever before.

Quote from: GLC on Jan 29, 02:48 PM 2011
Is it better to keep bets as low as possible and go deep into the hole and take hundreds of spins to recover.

Hey George

It's a personal choice I think. We have not find a labby that have been longer than 100 spins in this thread, you can look at my posts but I doubt that you will find a labby that takes more than 100 spins to a new high.

So if you think that 100 spins is to much to always show a profit in 700000 spins then this isn't for you :)

Ofcourse, a bad day you maybe just win 1 unit but that should be very rare, as you understand.

I like it as safe as possible but still make good profit. I think that "15 zero's and a 1" may be the best. If you like to make more profits then you could play with "5 zero's and a 1" or whatever you like.

Quote from: superman on Jan 29, 12:08 PM 2011
Can one of you tell me the exact rules of this labby, IE

I can try to write it in the best and easiest way I can.

We have written many times in this thread but I can understand that it may still confuse some.

Aleks 06's excel files in this thread is a very good way to understand how we play it.
Quote from: aleks06 on Jan 30, 03:28 PM 2011
It looks really good.  :thumbsup:

Well done Aleks and thanks for continue testing it.
I agree that it looks very promising, I will play with 15 zero's and a 1 for real now instead of 9 zero's.
Played for real yet? How's it going?

All i'm doing is living my life.
