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Started by Johnlegend, Apr 14, 03:48 PM 2011

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Quote from: moles40 on Mar 13, 08:22 AM 2012

Why does waiting 9 spins then betting that the first 3 spins don't appear in that order for spins 10-12 increase your chance of winning .The odds are still 50/50 :-\

Any random choice gives you the same chance.

You are absolutely right. Choosing a sophisticated pattern to bet against like variety of matrixes or waiting some extra number of spins gives you a false illusion of having a better chance of beating random.  It really does not matter if you wait certain  number of spins to place a bet.  It might only slow a inevitability of encountering some losses.  There is nothing magical in these patterns. If you bet against repeat of certain pattern of ECs for example your chance of winning a bet are always 50% no matter how deep you are in your progression.  Of course im not talking about extremes like betting on R if you saw B hit like 20 times and you know that world record is 25 or 26.
You can be successful for long period of time playing for example Pattern 4 but sooner or later loses are going to catch up with you. You are expected to lose once in 8 times and believe me  that after few hundred games your strike rate are going to be in that range.  Some people report 12 to 1 strike rate but in the long run is impossible to sustain it.
The sooner you realize that the better for your wallet.



Quote from: Robeenhuut on Mar 13, 10:37 AM 2012
You are absolutely right. Choosing a sophisticated pattern to bet against like variety of matrixes or waiting some extra number of spins gives you a false illusion of having a better chance of beating random.  It really does not matter if you wait certain  number of spins to place a bet.  It might only slow a inevitability of encountering some losses.  There is nothing magical in these patterns. If you bet against repeat of certain pattern of ECs for example your chance of winning a bet are always 50% no matter how deep you are in your progression.  Of course I'm not talking about extremes like betting on R if you saw B hit like 20 times and you know that world record is 25 or 26.
You can be successful for long period of time playing for example Pattern 4 but sooner or later loses are going to catch up with you. You are expected to lose once in 8 times and believe me  that after few hundred games your strike rate are going to be in that range.  Some people report 12 to 1 strike rate but in the long run is impossible to sustain it.
The sooner you realize that the better for your wallet.


you contradict yourself in the above statement, so its always 50% chance and patterns dont matter, but 20 reds in a row means black is due?  -___-  ... but i do agree that betting EOO wont come back to back or 9 spins later makes no difference.


It is so boring to read about pepole who say nothing is due to happen - who cares as it does not effect some one who know how to play the game.
Then that even money bets is 50/50 is only true if you play red and black as they come - but there exist other solutionts with change the math and probability - but i recon not many know that ...

By the way - did some one have succes using PATTERN 4 ?
Denial of gamblers fallacy is usually seen in people who has Roulette as last option for a way to wealth, debt covering and a independent lifestyle.  Next step is pretty ugly-
AP - It's not that it can't be done, but rather people don't really have a clue as to the level of fanaticism and outright obsession that it takes to be successful, let alone get to the level where you can take money out of the casinos on a regular basis. Out of 1,000 people that earnestly try, maybe only one will make it.


Quote from: ANONYMOUS on Mar 13, 12:32 PM 2012

you contradict yourself in the above statement, so its always 50% chance and patterns don't matter, but 20 reds in a row means black is due?  -___-  ... but i do agree that betting EOO won't come back to back or 9 spins later makes no difference.

I meant that if nobody saw R hit more than 26 times that you can risk betting on it. You always have the same chance of course.



Quote from: Robeenhuut on Mar 13, 02:07 PM 2012
I meant that if nobody saw R hit more than 26 times that you can risk betting on it. You always have the same chance of course.


1. Follow the wheel or follow how the distribution unfold.
2. Bet against the wheel or the how the distribution unfold.

Is it the same thing or is one option better then the other?
That is the question.

I would never use point 2 and allways follow as point 1.

Now some one clever say they start and end with same probability and are based upon the same math - well then some one should get deeper into study randomness.
Denial of gamblers fallacy is usually seen in people who has Roulette as last option for a way to wealth, debt covering and a independent lifestyle.  Next step is pretty ugly-
AP - It's not that it can't be done, but rather people don't really have a clue as to the level of fanaticism and outright obsession that it takes to be successful, let alone get to the level where you can take money out of the casinos on a regular basis. Out of 1,000 people that earnestly try, maybe only one will make it.


The "math" guys always come up with the trump card of "it's always the same chance on every spin", but that's only half the story. In statistics there are TWO parameters of interest which describe a population: The average, and the standard deviation. Yes, the same chance is there on every spin (0.5), that's the average. But everyone knows you can't rely on the average in the short term, if you could, it would be easy to beat roulette. You also need to look at dispersion, regression to the mean etc (this is the deeper study of randomness).

I do agree about the patterns though. The key doesn't involve finding some "rare" pattern (they are all equally likely so nothing is rare), but studying how the distribution unfolds (as Ego eloquently describes it).
"The trouble isn't what we don't know, it's what we think we know that just ain't so!" - Mark Twain


Gah I made a mistake today playing Pattern 4 on 0.10 single units

I lost a level 3 sequence 12, 14, 48 and instead of walking away I got too impatient and bet 100 units on the next spin...and it lost surprise surprise... :'(

I feel a complete idiot for rushing to get back my losses. I'll know for next time and be more patient.  :-[

AND...I didn't let it spin out another 9 spins before betting...that is what is galling. Stupidity :/

Need to recover my BR again.....I'll learn the hard way


Quote from: Robeenhuut on Mar 13, 10:37 AM 2012
You are absolutely right. Choosing a sophisticated pattern to bet against like variety of matrixes or waiting some extra number of spins gives you a false illusion of having a better chance of beating random.  It really does not matter if you wait certain  number of spins to place a bet.  It might only slow a inevitability of encountering some losses.  There is nothing magical in these patterns. If you bet against repeat of certain pattern of ECs for example your chance of winning a bet are always 50% no matter how deep you are in your progression.  Of course I'm not talking about extremes like betting on R if you saw B hit like 20 times and you know that world record is 25 or 26.
You can be successful for long period of time playing for example Pattern 4 but sooner or later loses are going to catch up with you. You are expected to lose once in 8 times and believe me  that after few hundred games your strike rate are going to be in that range.  Some people report 12 to 1 strike rate but in the long run is impossible to sustain it.
The sooner you realize that the better for your wallet.

This is not true. In betting against the ninth number last drawn as oppossed to the sixth or seventh number last drawn you are reducing the percentage risk of a repeat. There is a lot of importance in selecting which past result(s) you choose to bet against if you are intending to play 'in the long term', even if only playing even chances.


Quote from: woods101 on Mar 17, 04:07 AM 2012

This is not true. In betting against the ninth number last drawn as oppossed to the sixth or seventh number last drawn you are reducing the percentage risk of a repeat. There is a lot of importance in selecting which past result(s) you choose to bet against if you are intending to play 'in the long term', even if only playing even chances.

So you have a better chance if you bet against EC which hit 9 spins before than 6 or 7 spins?



You have less chance of it being a repeat....



Quote from: woods101 on Mar 17, 04:58 AM 2012
You have less chance of it being a repeat....


Hello Woods

It applies to numbers and not Ec's.  Its Roulette 101



Hi Rob,

If you accept that the argument is relevant to individual numbers then by default it is naturally relevant to ECs also. Obviously it will be a fractional difference when applied to ECs but there will be a difference none the less. There are some methods based on ECs combined with streets/lines/dozens that are based on law of the third that take this all into account floating around somewhere on the net (turbogenius maybe??).
The main point I was making is that playing against certain past results or more importantly waiting to play against certain past results does have a certain mathematical validity depending on what those events were and when they happened in relation to your next bet. Therefore, to say that there is no point in whether you bet against the last number drawn or you wait to bet against the ninth number drawn is not actually correct.
There is a difference, whatever bet(s) you choose to play.
I know this point could be viewed as pedantic. Apologies for this but I do feel it's a relevant point to make in relation to roulette generally.
I'm not sure what you mean about roulette101- what does this mean?



...and to quote Moles as well:

"Why does waiting 9 spins then betting that the first 3 spins don't appear in that order for spins 10-12 increase your chance of winning .The odds are still 50/50 :-\

Any random choice gives you the same chance."

Again, in relation to this system, this is also wrong.



Quote from: woods101 on Mar 17, 09:30 AM 2012
...and to quote Moles as well:

"Why does waiting 9 spins then betting that the first 3 spins don't appear in that order for spins 10-12 increase your chance of winning .The odds are still 50/50 :-\

Any random choice gives you the same chance."

Again, in relation to this system, this is also wrong.


Hello Woods

Roulette 101 means just a name of a course. 101 its just the name of introductory  course at the university.  Im just tired of arguing about principles. Everybody knows that previous spins dont affect the following spins in roulette.  The chance is always 50%.
But iit is only an academic discussion - you can come up with a perfect roulette system not having clue about basic things. Im not here to prove that im right.  We are here to come up together with some new ideas or to improve on old ones.



"Why does waiting 9 spins then betting that the first 3 spins don't appear in that order for spins 10-12 increase your chance of winning .The odds are still 50/50."

The odds are 12.5%, ignoring the zeros. But the odds for that exact order of sequence are far less during that exact window of chance. If you add conditional probability of a continuing state of a characteristic then you increase the chance of avoiding the killer sequence even more.

If you plan on beating Roulette you must first understand it.
I am the living proof that Roulette can be beat every time I set out to beat it.
