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Which online casino is the best + Invincible system to reveal

Started by steven1212, Jan 31, 01:39 PM 2014

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I don't know if someone else has noticed it but usually when there are several matches
I simply bet the first one; In vast majority of the times it's a W on 1st attempt;
Otherwise on 2nd attempt it's bingo; rarely I go beyond 3rd attempt even when there are
several matches.


Quote from: Amiwrong on Feb 14, 12:07 PM 2014

I would like to clear some things out about my session. I used iBook on iPad mini and original PDF file to find trigger. Rechecked it many times after and it was correct and the only one when I started betting. I used 5 step progression and played both column and dozens.. I believe it is the way it was supposed to be played as if you play only dozens you lose your triggers in the middle of the progression run frequently. I mean you have trigger, say, 1a1b1c and following 1c3b1 (just example from mind).. you bet against 1 dozen.. you lose. Then you hold on and comes let’s say b.. the trigger is lost now as sequence does not correspondent to the PDF anymore.. So you lost your 1st bet and no sense to bet against 1 now as trigger is broken.. That is how I see it. Correct me please if I wrong.

With great respect,


Hi amiwrong.
What I understand to be correct from Steven is that if you get initial trigger "1a1b1c" and following "1c3b1" you then play a 5 step marty against 1c3b1 outcome to follow. Bet against 1. If no win then bet against c. If no win bet against 3. If no win bet against b. If no win bet against 1.

Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"



Quote from: atlantis on Feb 14, 02:16 PM 2014
Hi amiwrong.
What I understand to be correct from Steven is that if you get initial trigger "1a1b1c" and following "1c3b1" you then play a 5 step marty against 1c3b1 outcome to follow. Bet against 1. If no win then bet against c. If no win bet against 3. If no win bet against b. If no win bet against 1.


He did so and lost! That's the point, Atlantis!


OK Marivo - well maybe not so invincible after all!

I'm thinking of using the progression 1-1, 2-2 ,3-3 ,4-4 ,5-5.....etc
Up 1 on a loss. Stay at the same level on a win until recovered to level high or when reaching a new positive high.
Always resetting to 1-1 whenever level or ahead.
More safer and cautious but of course profits take longer to amass...
For this to work well enough though the selection method does need to get a good percentage of winners on the first step.
2nd step recovers 1st step losses.

Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"


Just spun 2a3a3a Then spun the numbers 17-10-6-30-13-19 seventh spin won no34

Only on demo thank goodness
Have had mixed luck testing.



Quote from: Chris555p on Feb 14, 02:13 PM 2014
I don't know if someone else has noticed it but usually when there are several matches
I simply bet the first one; In vast majority of the times it's a W on 1st attempt;
Otherwise on 2nd attempt it's bingo; rarely I go beyond 3rd attempt even when there are
several matches.
I did the same during my first test, but that's probably not a good idea. The point of the whole system is to bet a pattern, that never happened before.


Quote from: ati on Feb 14, 11:10 AM 2014
I did some experiment with rng. After I opened up the table, I coded 200 free spins into a document, and started playing with that very small database. Instead of 6, I used the last 4 spins to search for triggers, and it gives me as good results as the original system. If I don't have a trigger, I just do more free spins until I have one, and I add every new spin to the database.
I finished testing this, and it did very well, but it took time to add every new spin to the database, and checking for triggers. After the 200 coded spins, I needed about 170 spins to win 50 units. Most of the triggers won the first bet, some on the second, 3 times on the third, and 1 time on the fourth. As the database were growing I had more and more triggers. I had 375 recorded spins at the end, and for that size of database the 4 character pattern worked perfectly. If I'd play for longer, I probably would have had to switch to 5 character patterns.


Nice system Steven , and here some personal opinions because I also
was into this kind of systems for a while:

1. the trigger  make no sense for me
2. for sure it s not invincible , maybe if play hit and run and with luck can make some units
    ( can be xxx units or even xxxx units or just xx units)
    before hit the bad run and lose all 5 steps
3. here an idea that i posted about 3 years ago ( but for sure not winner in the long run) :

TRIGGERS (have to wait  a lot to get a trigger  ):

1A1A1A..........bet against the first 5 with 5 steps
1B1B1B..........bet against the first 5 with 5 steps







Others triggers can start with A,B, or C and not with 1,2,3.
So same triggers from above but start with A , B  or C.




Other option is wait only shorter trigger like :
1A1A and bet against 1A1A1 ( 5th step optional)
1A2B  and bet against 3C1A   ( why ?.....see....1A2B3C1A2B3C....) 



I forgot

1A2A3A    (A1A2A3)
1B2B3B    (B1B2B3)
1C2C3C    (C1C2C3)



Sorry I've abandoned the thread for the past 24 hours. It's valentine day and I left for the weekend with my wife.
I'm following the thread everyday from my iPhone but I have too much to say to reply from the small screen of the phone.

Please be patient. I will catch with all of you tomorrow of the day after.

So much to say........




Just one more thing, though, and I cannot wait two days to say that! Cristal2000 you are absolutely awesome. I cannot wait to go home to my laptop as check out your program.

Thanks for getting involved!!


   I'm new to the forum and my friend Chris asked me to check out Code 3 and the Invincible Systems. He was so overwhelmed he titled his personal message "Re: New ATM". After decades of testing all kinds of systems and strategies, naturally I laughed. Don't get me wrong, I personally believe it is possible to be a winner in a negative expectation game, but there are many factors that have to come together for that to be possible. I've only come across a few strategies in 40 plus years that can show a positive in a negative expectation game. Naturally bankroll, money management, discipline, stop-lost, and a limited progression are generally necessary to grind out a steady buck. Yes, all the math guys say "Every system loses in the long run" but I personally believe no one can live long enough to ever see the so called Long Run. I believe in the hit and run, but understand that the nightmare can happen at any time, starting with the first spin. There are no Holy Grails or Easy Roads, it's all about the "grind" and the risk/reward ratio. Losses are part of the game and must be accounted for in any strategy or system, so when when someone says they never lose my warning bells go off.
      I've read the Code 4 thread a few times and I must admit I responsed to my friend Chris, that this isn't something new. Pattern betting is as old as the hills and has been tried with every imaginable progression. He wrote me back and asked that I take another look, so that's what I did. I personally like the hit and run approach, I use it very successfully in my own play. I like the use of the dozens and columns combined and the limited progress, but from the numbers stated by a few of the members here it's clearly a loser if played continiously. That is based only on the limited trials stated in a few post here.
   Then I started read this thread of the Invincible System and started to be a little interested. I even did a few sample testing of my own. Whether the pattern or sequence is 10 consecutive black or red is still has the same odds of any random sequence in any even chance outcome. This odds on any 2 to 1 (dozens or columns) will also hold the same probabilities whether its 10 consecutive first dozen or third column, it doesn't matter how the sequence is layed out any pattern of 10 holds the same odds based on the 2 to 1 bets.
     I see that the Code 4 calls for charting the prior 12 spins and then start betting the opposite of the first 4 charted results with a progression of 1/1, 3/3, 9/9, & 27/27 with an investment of 80 units. Based on only the limited results posted here it showed a negative outcome on continuious play. But on a very limited hit and run the results stated amazing results in one case. It's stated it rarely ever reached the 4th step of the progression and the outcome for the 3rd step of the progression I found very interesting.
       This is just my thoughts, why wait for 12 prior spins to begin the betting, we all know each spin is independent, just chart the prior 3 spins and starting betting that the next 3 spins wouldn't be a repeat. The odds will still be the same no matter how long the "trigger" is so why wait at all. Sense the success rate is supposely so good based of just 3 steps I would then recommend paralaying any WINS to the 3rd step of the progression. Example if I'm using a $10 unit base the progression would look like this: $10/$10, $30/$30, & $90/$90 = $260. Let's say I have 3 wins totally $30. I would take that $30 and paralay it to the 3rd step of
$90/$90 to $105/$105. I would continue to do this with all my wins and keep increasing the 3 step. At any point where my 3 step wins and my bankroll has doubled I would stop and reset back to my original progression. This paralaying strategy gives you a greater chance of reaching the "break even point" of $260 investment and based on the number of good runs without losing the 3 steps you have a great chance of a profit vs investment. For those with the right size bankroll and also include a recovery stage should you lose the 3rd step of the progression.
Level 2 would be double the investment and only for recover, it would require $20/$20, $60/$60, & $180/$180 =$520. The total bankroll would come to $780 for the both levels. I've done a simple RNG test and it was very interesting to say the least. Thanks for listening and I really enjoyed the forum!!!!  Louie/Ching-A-Ling


Quote from: Kattila on Feb 14, 06:53 PM 2014
Nice system Steven , and here some personal opinions because I also
was into this kind of systems for a while:

1. the trigger  make no sense for me
2. for sure it s not invincible , maybe if play hit and run and with luck can make some units
    ( can be xxx units or even xxxx units or just xx units)
    before hit the bad run and lose all 5 steps
3. here an idea that i posted about 3 years ago ( but for sure not winner in the long run) :

Why have fixed triggers?  Sorry if this has been tested before but why not wait for 5 numbers to come out e.g. 3b1c1c and then bet against this?

TRIGGERS (have to wait  a lot to get a trigger  ):

1A1A1A..........bet against the first 5 with 5 steps
1B1B1B..........bet against the first 5 with 5 steps







Others triggers can start with A,B, or C and not with 1,2,3.
So same triggers from above but start with A , B  or C.




Other option is wait only shorter trigger like :
1A1A and bet against 1A1A1 ( 5th step optional)
1A2B  and bet against 3C1A   ( why ?.....see....1A2B3C1A2B3C....) 

I dont know if this has already been tested but how about wait for 5 numbers eg 1c3a1b and then bet against this pattern occuring again??


I am sure random can reproduce any sequence /pattern  the problem is how often will do that.
So any idea (also this original system by Steven) must be tested for the long run.
