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Holy Grail By Winkel.

Started by Azim, Jan 08, 05:18 PM 2014

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OK winkel, I get the message, thanks. I am currently documenting all your instructions and examples from the 80 pages and then I am going to test it over 1 million spins after implementing it.


Quote from: falkor on Oct 08, 06:43 AM 2014
I watched both the TwoCatSam videos, but am not really liking this system at all. You could be waiting all day for a crossing even if they are "in sight". And I think you could be waiting days for a crossing of >2,>3. Crossings are guaranteed - sure - but there's no timescales as to when they will cross.

this post shows perfectly that you didn´t even try to test this strategy.
witin 37 spins there will always be several crossings.
some will cross some won´t. which to bet you have to SEE!
There is always a game


I tested it using tracker4 after watching both TwoCatSam videos, but every time a crossing was in sight it failed to cross 9/10 times. I've only seen it cross once, and that was a 1 vs. 1> crossing. I guess I was having really bad luck that session. I then didn't know how long to keep playing? I could see that 1 vs. 1> no longer had any crossings, but it wasn't clear how many potential 2 vs. 2>,3> crossings would come after 1 vs. 1> had been exhausted. Do we play this for 100 spins, 200 spins? No idea, but I hope to find a clear answer in the 80 pages. TwoCatSam did not play a session to it's conclusion otherwise he says something like "I'm having a bad session so I will walk away now"; BUT according to winkel we have to play ALL crossings to make a profit in the long run, so what exactly is the scope of "ALL crossings"?


it is always difficult to discuss something without any explicit information

give just the numbers you played, so I can test and comment
There is always a game


winkel, I don't know what end of session looks like because I don't know how long to play the system.

Since you have finished many sessions of GUT over the years, winkel, you know what an end of session looks like, so perhaps if you get a moment you could post some data from one of your historical logs showing rows of numbers that indicate Stop Play? Otherwise, I will hopefully figure it out eventually by looking through the 80 pages or playing a session for an extended period of time to see if there's some kind of pattern that might spell end of session. Again, I don't really know what I am looking for. 1>,2>3> go up and down right? So do sessions go on forever until you feel like stopping, or what? What's the general rule of thumb?

I want to make sure all information about this system is coming from winkel (and not how I am imagining it) - indeed I am documenting a "source book" for this system that has quotes only from winkel - so that there is no dispute over the test results when I eventually have this working correctly.


it depends on the range you qre playing:

if you play only hit and unhit, there is only one crossing 19 vs 18. if that has hit there will be no other crossing

if you play 0, 1 and >1
you will have crossings on 0 vs 1 and 1 vs >1

if you play 0, 1, >1, 2 and >2 (this is the most sensefull way) you will have lots of possible crossings

if you play 0, 1, >1, 2 and >2 up to >37 you will get lost between the crossings
There is always a game


What range do you recommend for ensuring a profit? One user tested only a single short range and single crossing, which resulted in a small loss based on the house advantage and flat betting. You said it failed because he only tested for 1 crossing; your response was that we must play "ALL crossings"?

Quoteif you play 0, 1, >1, 2 and >2 (this is the most sensefull way) you will have lots of possible crossings
So this is the recommended method? You don't include 3 and >3 as per track4.exe?
At this range how can we tell when all crossings - that need to be played - have been played, to a satisfactory conclusion?


Before I start looking at crossings I want to make sure I got the tracker working correctly? Please can anyone check the attachment:
1) Does the R N F F2 F>2 part look accurate?
2) Are the numbers assigned to the correct groups under 0, 1, >1, 2, >2?
3) Can you spot any bugs? I suspect the >1 or F2, F>2 / 2, >2 parts may be incorrect?


Implemented so far:
*RN crossings
*19-18 exception

Note: this is running under a very basic engine that ends session when N > R and there is no other stop-loss - just to test RN crossings.

So far it's losing, but since it's flat betting it's never going to lose that much!

winkel plays a lot more crossings and has a lot more rules, but based on the crossings concept alone I can't see this making any money even with further work?


Quote from: falkor on Oct 13, 06:23 AM 2014
Implemented so far:
*RN crossings
*19-18 exception

Note: this is running under a very basic engine that ends session when N > R and there is no other stop-loss - just to test RN crossings.

So far it's losing, but since it's flat betting it's never going to lose that much!

winkel plays a lot more crossings and has a lot more rules, but based on the crossings concept alone I can't see this making any money even with further work?

What do you expect?
You are just playing one possible betposition, not even touching the idea of the strategy.

it´s like: i tried the game of tennis and didn´t succeed to cross the net. I can´t see the sense of playing that game.
There is always a game


What part of the strategy might turn the odds around in our favour?


100s of posts in a nutshell?

I made up basics and extensions to this strategy. If you are really interested pls read, excercise and study

br winkel
There is always a game


Quote from: winkel on Oct 13, 09:13 AM 2014
100s of posts in a nutshell?

I made up basics and extensions to this strategy. If you are really interested pls read, excercise and study

br winkel
Mr Winkle where can I find this exercise ?


do exercise - not read exercise
There is always a game


winkel, I've seen all your posts, so I know how you play this even though some concepts are hard to grasp via the language barrier. However, the basis of this strategy is that you was analysing sleeping/repeating numbers when you noticed that they have to cross when plotted on a graph. So your whole system is based around betting when a crossing is in sight regardless of how you have tweaked it. However, that basic idea in itself is not making any money! In those 2,000 spins one crossing did not hit in 8 attempts. I know you have a stop-loss of 3, but long term it isn't going to affect things much.

For an efficient German bloke like yourself from the land of many inventions I'm sorry to say but I don't think you've come up with the goods this time! I understand English isn't your first language, but there's something very deceptive about your posts over the past 6 years: you do not appear to have been honest to us or to yourself. Even my German friends who checked out your posts on roulette-forum.de suspect you.

I can continue to implement this and you can continue with your vague rhetorical replies, but I think you have to accept that 6 years has been wasted? Facing reality is a hard thing to do - even if it shatters a 6 year held belief - but it's better than carrying on, living a lie. This German professor who beat roulette with 5 systems is not really you, winkel! You are living a false reality, so please stop pretending.
