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Started by bleep24, Feb 09, 04:04 PM 2015

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.   Hi,

Odds on D/s`s are 6/1 (Inc. stake) therefore bet 3 x 1 win = +3.    Lose -3  New bet 3 x 2 win +6  lose 6   bet 3 x 3 lose - 9 win +9   now bet 3 x 2  win +6   lose -6  now bet 3 x 1  win +3   lose -3.       So LLWWW         -3 -6 +9 +6 +3  (+9 units overall)    So LLLWWW     -3 -6 -9
+12 +9  +6    (Win +9 overall)       


Good luck


.   Hi,

Odds on D/s`s are 6/1 (Inc. stake) therefore bet 3 x 1 win = +3.    Lose -3  New bet 3 x 2 win +6  lose 6   bet 3 x 3 lose - 9 win +9   now bet 3 x 2  win +6   lose -6  now bet 3 x 1  win +3   lose -3.       So LLWWW         -3 -6 +9 +6 +3  (+9 units overall)    So LLLWWW     -3 -6 -9
+12 +9  +6    (Win +9 overall)       


Good luck


OK, sorry, my bad, I thought you had completly switched over to playing hi/low, forgot you were still playing it as insde bet, thatnks for the clarification!


Hi Brian
Been watching the 1st18/2nd 18 and does extremely well. The +1/-1 some times gets high,lets say you've lost 6 on the bounce,win with 7th bet,now some times seen it come down by 2 wins,but lose next three, so do you think if get to 7 units would it be better to minus 2, to get back quicker to a smaller unit, or just play on.
How do you win at roulette, simple, make the right decision



Yes same thing has happened to me.   I had a terrible run but persevered and eventually it all came good.  I understand what you are saying but even doing what you said might not prove to be a quick fix so my gut feeling is plod on and with a combination of 50/50, chains and a possible dealer change in our favour it should all come good (eventually!!)    BTW it is amazing what dealer signature has on results.  I was trialing a different system and it was not going too well.  Change of dealer and the winning results took off like a rocket..  If I play that I will be examining past history before playing.     I am still playing original and doing OK but the bad run has put a bit of a dampener on it,  though I am still well,well in front.  As I have said previously, we cannot expect to win every session, but if the system/method wins more than loses then to me it is a winner.   I have played several ways where you would lose 36 units, then win 24 units, win 20 units, lose 36 units, win 30 units, win 20 units.  Nothing wrong with this way - quit when you are ahead.
Good luck.


Brian example off getting out of hand so would a bigger minus than 1 be the answer.
33-h w
5-l  w
21-h  w
14-l  w
2-l  w
34-h  w
31-l              so we'll play H,L

31-h w
35-h w
33-h w
16-l  w
31-h  w
25-h w
19-l       so w l w l w w w l w l   so we end on 1 unit  good

6-l  w
17- h
16- l  w
18- h
34- l
21- h w
25- l
20- l    so   l w l w l l w l l l   end on 5 units

9- h
1- l  w
13- h
36- l
26- h w
1- l  w
7- h
3- l  w
10- h
20- l     so  l w l l w w l w l l   end the spins on 7 units, so we start our 10 spins on 6 units and end on 7, when we finished the
            previous 10 spins on 5 units, when we got the win, should we have droped 2 units to 5, in this 10 spins if we drop 2
            units we'd end on 3 units in stead of 7 units.
            the running count for the 40 spins is  19 wins  21 miss but one spin is zero, so 19/20
11- h
8- l w
36- h w
6- l w
20- h w
30- l
29- h w
3- l w
1- h
15-l w  so if i was right and previous 10 spins ended 7 units and like Brian recommends play on, think we'd end on  5 units.
            We'd have 26 wins out the 50 spins, make that 20 wins less the six at the first 10 spins.

Hope my workings are okay, if correct  would it be better to drop 2 or even 3 units ?

Jimmie B if you see this KTF  ends +3 at the end of the 40 spins.

Oh yes forgot to say this rng in Corals global draw.
How do you win at roulette, simple, make the right decision


Hi Notophammer,

I never play on RNG - too many bad experiences.

Do not know what system you are playing: is it just H/L +1/-1 system?     You should be playing 3 x D/S`s:   1/2/3 - 4/5/6 alternating.  I know H/L is same thing but different, if you follow what I mean.   Looking at the 30 spins that you posted with alt. D/s`s you would have come out 69 units in front.(£10. per point =( +£690 hahaha)  Not to be sniffed at for 30 minutes work!!   I suggest you re-work your spins using D/S alt. +1/-1 and see if you come to same answer as me.  If not I will post workings for you. Let me know. (10p per unit = +£6.90 hahaha)

Good luck.



Sorry, just realised I only looked at first 40 spins but +69 units was correct.




Taking same 40 spins using H/L +1/-1 I reckon wins net 23 units profit.


Hi Brian
using +1/-1
so spins 11 to 20, would end on 1 unit *3 alternating H,L.
Like we said can get large units to back, like in spins 21 to 30, would end betting 5units *3. So now depending on profit (b/r) would it be better to carry on +1 to next win, then drop -2 or 3 units to get back to just 1 unit, for saking some bigger wins when coming down
How do you win at roulette, simple, make the right decision


Hi Notophammer,

Personally I would just play on.  It depends on what your`e unit value is.   If it is 10p then 3 x 5 x 10 = £1.50    Not a large stake.   If you drop back more then it just takes longer to get back into profit so it`s swings and roundabouts and horses for courses as they say.  As long as you are winning what does it matter.  I think most people on here would like to win either 69 or 23 units.  Start small BR and build up.
At 10p units a BR of £20. should suffice.
Good luck.      Brian



Has anyone noticed the co-relation between what I posted earlier:   win 23 units - win 69 units.   3 x 23 = 69.   So play either way.  Less stakes equals less won and conversely.



Hello Nottophammer,

I was playing yesterday and had a run of 8 losses in a row so you can appreciate that the stake had risen quite a bit.  I considered quitting or reducing size of stake but did neither.  Then along came 4 wins, l loss, 3 wins, 1 loss, again I could have quit or reduced size of stake but did neither because when I analysed afterwards I would not have won my losses back doing that.  I played on and eventually came out in front.  total spins = 119      1 zero     59 wins/59 losses so shows how rule/law of averages was correct (this time, anyway)    Have you looked at differential betting (staking)  good post on here about it (might have been by Colbster)   One feature was if losing say up to 10 units then swap selection round but you and I both know Sod`s law and what will happen after we have swopped.

Good luck


Hello Brian
Yes to switch or not.
those 50 spins,there is a case to switch,but really why bother. Those 50 spins,if you look at 1st 20 spins gone,the h,l we are playing is 12 wins 8 lost, +2 on the 50/50 ratio,(so should we switch as 3 more wins in next 10 is 15, half the 30 spins), but if you switch L needs 7 wins to maintain 50/50 ratio and gave more wins, know all this is happening afterwards but we need to try and think about whether the switch would be favorable
How do you win at roulette, simple, make the right decision


Hi Nottophammer,

Ah, that is the question.     The switching relates to differential betting so probably not appropriate for what we are doing, but never say never: it is a question of what works best.   Personally I like to play on through even if the stakes get a bit higher and rely on 50/50 averaging to pull things round.   I was suggesting that you look at differential betting and maybe give it a try.  If I get time I will have a look at those spins that you posted and try diff. on them though I do not think that I will have time this week as I am staying with relatives `Darn South` for a funeral.

Cheers    (Bleep24)    Brian
