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Started by P.A, Sep 03, 10:54 PM 2015

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Hi Denzie,

Seems like you're doing OK too!  :)
I'm back from racing now and have done further test which was won +11.
I used the simple DOZEN REPEAT (idea from helena?) mentioned earlier in the thread.
That question you asked me in PM - I don't know the answer for that.
Certainly I have not encountered such an event so far using PA techniques.
Is your DOZ strat different way to me?

Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"


I think we're basically doing the same. Maybe our stop point different.  Im just working on a new progression and i wondering what max chops on a single doz are. If anyone would now......

Today 2 sessions. ..both won btw
As spins roll off our predictions get better


Quote from: Priyanka on Sep 11, 02:05 PM 2015
This forum in itself is a huge body of knowledge. See below:

Any idea how long till a dozen repeats? Max ive got is 20....
I mean all are singles,  chops ......would be good info  ^^
As spins roll off our predictions get better


Sessions 14 .... 13W/1L
Highest level 3u

So far so good
As spins roll off our predictions get better


Quote from: denzie on Sep 13, 09:07 AM 2015
Sessions 14 .... 13W/1L
Highest level 3u

So far so good

Denzie what's the point of posting partial results for a system/method that nobody knows ?

IF some ppl DO know it, why not just post via PM's or actual email addresses ?



If every system known to man past present and future will never win long term and have more losses than wins,why not reverse the bet selection in the system of your choice and simply "play to lose"? 


...........and simply "play to lose"? 

Been said before.....tho the outcome is the same, if you don't apply what
should be first principles here.

I do not know for the life of me, why some posting members are still banging on about
this topic in terms of "where is the system then?", or worse...
"stop teasing and give us the HG method!"

This excellent topic deserves a section on the forum all to itself, (or to the principle its showing us at the very least)

The topic is showing, telling, and crafting the way to make the cake, but not the ingredients

Anyone interested in Roulette, or any other bet based gaming, should read this topic from start to finish
(avoiding all the guff, all the negativity, and all the bile), and read it again till those basic, and what should
be mandatory steps are entrained in your gaming DNA.

So, without further ado, shall I do a summary of what we have learnt so far, and see
if anyone else (without taking the pizz) can see their Eureka moment.

He's a taste of the content within the Topic(in NO particular order)

  • For your given chosen bet, what's the Win/Loss ratio expectation?
  • Why do you bet on a system, and when?
  • What's the SD for those type of results?
  • Don't have to bet every spin do I/you?
  • If tracking a certain entry point, why not track Virtual, and watch the game unfold....might save you $£
  • Triggers for your bet method, what are they, and why do they occur?
  • If the expectation is for the bet to come back to balance, (Win/Loss ratio), how far do you leave it before you stop bets?
  • Can Maths help us win at Roulette/Bacc?
  • Progression.........Heavy or Mild or non at all?
  • Do you wait, and wait and wait and then hit for a result/session, or do you play till you have lost it all?
  • Wait....wait...wait
  • Track.....
  • Measure against expectation of SD or Win/Loss ratio
  • Poss virtual bets/tracking
  • Look for a bet selection that does go out of balance, and therefore make the most of that opportunity.

(I'm sure I can put this into less words..... but its early!) :)
Physical in Nature, Random in Opportunity                                                    The Reveal Originator!


this for EXPERT, the newbies will have hard time understand.
Ladies , and Gentlemen,

The record of worst in 200spins, 69red/200, by it self is a VARIANCE,

worst variance , that impossible to beat with reasonable BR staking.

If u see them, as a 200spins/set, it has 69hit of RED, space, not very far from each others, that, are of course beatable with marthy, but , but...,
[ok, u all know this.]

If U divided that 200spins, into half, then [100spin/set, and another 100spins/set], it are TWO variance, happened, BACK, TO BACK!
Which , if u try to beat the second half, [2nd 100spins/set],also very hard to beat

Then if u divided that in FOUR set, that will be 50+50+50+50spinsset.

and if u divided the 200 into, say, 6,8,10sets, u will see...a story.


To Mr.Winkel.
With Due Respect.

I want to apologize,
to Mr. Winkel,
that your good name,
being quote here,
in some disrespectful, replies.
by member here.

I am very sorry,
The fault is mine.
Please pardon me.


Quote from: P.A on Sep 14, 04:55 AM 2015
this for EXPERT, the newbies will have hard time understand.
Ladies , and Gentlemen,

The record of worst in 200spins, 69red/200, by it self is a VARIANCE,

worst variance , that impossible to beat with reasonable BR staking.

If u see them, as a 200spins/set, it has 69hit of RED, space, not very far from each others, that, are of course beatable with marthy, but , but...,
[ok, u all know this.]

If U divided that 200spins, into half, then [100spin/set, and another 100spins/set], it are TWO variance, happened, BACK, TO BACK!
Which , if u try to beat the second half, [2nd 100spins/set],also very hard to beat

Then if u divided that in FOUR set, that will be 50+50+50+50spinsset.

and if u divided the 200 into, say, 6,8,10sets, u will see...a story.

Hi PA,
I did what you said and broke down into sets of 20.
I won +17 over the 200 spins only betting RED - using 1-2-4-8-marti (probably not a good idea to use that though ;) )
Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"


Playing same spins (worst spin record 69/200) divided into sets of 20 and bet RED only with MILDER progression and highest bet = 2.
Profit = +9 in 200 spins. (was using variance control)
Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"


It is impossible to control or predict variance without increasing accuracy of predictions. PA, you are misleading people, whether intentionally or not. I dont think you or anyone has profited from this without plain luck. People following this are wasting their time.
"The only way to beat roulette is by increasing the accuracy of predictions"
Roulettephysics.com ← Professional roulette tips
Roulette-computers.com ← Hidden electronics that predicts the winning number
Roulettephysics.com/roulette-strategy ← Why most systems lose


Quote from: Steve on Sep 14, 07:42 AM 2015
It is impossible to control or predict variance without increasing accuracy of predictions. PA, you are misleading people, whether intentionally or not. I dont think you or anyone has profited from this without plain luck. People following this are wasting their time.
Dear Mr. Steve,
With Respect.

I do not lead people, to anywhere...
And I CANT remember, that I preached,
that variance could be CONTROLLED, or PREDICTED...

We cannot control random, and ..., and...
that what the math boys say, and we respect that.

we wait for it to happened...
like u wait to cross a busy road....

I remember, that I only, said that, VARIANCE, could be measured,
ONLY, after they HAPPENED, and afterward, there 'ALWAYS', will be x spins length that will hit within MATH EXPECTATION..

One example is that only 69red/200spin, then the variance , in simple calculation=69hit, in 200spins, JUST THAT SIMPLE!
and u can see, the next 200spins, hit, within math expectation...

Variance, in simple words, just mean , long losses, with only few wins hit, in between...that 'way below the expectation',
and u simply cant beat with progression, without risking huge progression!

Lets make a research, get any real DATA, of say, Hamburg, where it has more than 200 to 300spins. Look at the RED, or BLACK, slowly, and u will see, there will be , variance , in each side...and after a variance hit, there will be spins that in the MATH EXPECTATION...with will easily beaten with mild progression.

SEE below.

an oversimplified, example.

VARIANCE [of x spins]
Math expectation[of y spins]
where as x, y, =unknown length...

say, we bet AFTER, a variance happened..

Math expectation
Math expectation
VARIANCE[variance can happen back to back!!!]
Math expectation
Math expectation
Math expectation

Note that variance can happen back to back!!!
Thus here the DEBACLE HAPPEN!..and that something u need to cut loss.
and that also cause HUGE LOSS, if your progression is aggressive!!!
and actually, Variance and math-expectation, come in CHOPS, of-course, different length...

VARIANCE, could only, be measured,
after they HAPPENED,

and afterward,
there 'ALWAYS',
will be x spins length that will hit within MATH EXPECTATION..

I said ALWAYS, not 100%...



Quote from: atlantis on Sep 14, 07:12 AM 2015
Playing same spins (worst spin record 69/200)
Your posts, will motivate more people to learn,
to do the hardwork!...and do research...

for their OWN hg...

For I only show the "UNDERSTANDING",
and u do the driving...yourself.

Knowledge, is not POWER,
knowledge is just potential POWER.
many people cant even handle knowledge,
what, so, about POWER?

In the advance of internet,..in short time,
when million of people knows how to beat the casino...
then the casino will change rules, or.....


Steve wrote:

>>>It is impossible to control or predict variance without increasing accuracy of predictions.

PA wrote:

>>>The record of worst in 200spins, 69red/200, by it self is a VARIANCE,
worst variance , that impossible to beat with reasonable BR staking.

>>>Variance, in simple words, just mean , long losses, with only few wins hit, in between...that 'way below the expectation', and u simply cant beat with progression, without risking huge progression!

I don't see any fundamental disagreement here.

But with variance AVOIDANCE + mild progression + cut-loss I just proved to myself today that I could beat the 69red/200black example fairly easily. Something I did not think I was going to be able to do. :)
It made me feel pretty good too, I don't mind telling you!

However, that just one set of 200 numbers.

Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"
